Hi everybody! I'm still here! It's been a crazy few weeks and I just... have... not... been able to motivate myself to much of anything... but, I have been inspired to do a lot! ( although I need to get past the inspiration part and actually do it...) I am really loving Instagram! It's so easy to take a picture and quick post it! It's like reading a good magazine or picture book! You can find me there @mrs.c_art
My 5th grade students have been experimenting with color values, tints, shades and tones in some cool simple landscapes... here are a few of the many...
The kids will fill out their A.R.T. ( art reflection time) Splat sheet when we get back next week from our break. It's a three day week here in NJ for Teacher's Convention. Many, many teachers will be pouring into Atlantic City for convention. It's a bit of a treck for me from the north so I will be giving my house a well needed Fall cleaning, scouring, scrubbing, organizing, purging ( are there any other words I can use to describe how much needs to be done around here? ). Oh yeah, and I will be loading a bazillion grades into the computer for the first marking quarter... those are getting done first so I don't have to think about them any more...

I have three different shawls going on right now... this one is almost done, I'm working on the edging now ... the cat is not part of the edging... Mrs."P" just made it her bed this weekend when I put it down... it's really soft and squishy and I can't wait to be able to wrap it around my neck! Although today was definitely not a shawl day! The temps got up into the 60's today!
Here sits my big box of class folders full of projects to grade... classy storage, I know... the box has been moved to the rocking chair next to me and I have been taking folders back and forth to school on the days I needed them...
... it all gets done eventually, sometimes later than sooner, but done...
Have a great rest of your week! :)