1st Grader: "Mrs."C". Are you wearing your pajamas?"
Mrs."C": "No sweetie, but I wish I was!"
"Because, that would mean I am home in the air conditioning!"
It has been Un-Godly HOT & HUMID here for the last five days. Most of them (Thank God!!!) have been vacation days, but the last two have been here at school in rooms with no AC, no air flow and many sweaty, hot children generating even more heat! We had a new dress policy go into effect this year, and I must say for the most part I have been very good about adhering to it with out complaining. (we can only wear jeans on Fridays and I normally LIVE in jeans). Today though I said "Forget it!" and put on shorts and a T-Shirt knowing full well I was going to be sweating my brains out while organizing my room for the summer.
Another change was that we could no longer wear backless shoes! Well, 90% of my shoes do not have backs on them! I refuse to replace my hoard of very comfy Birkenstocks, so being the creative soul that I am, I crocheted back-straps for all my Birkenstock sandals! "TAH - DAH!!!" They now have backs for school and I can easily take them off when I don't want them on! Hoping you are all staying cool and comfortable!