I just sat down at my computer to work on my progress report grades and not feeling the inspiration to start them yet I decided to check my e-mails first. In checking my e-mail and found that I had been nominated for a Liebster Blog Award from Angie at In Art Class! Thank you Angie! For those of you that are not familiar with the Liebster (which I was not until I researched it) the Liebster Blog award is given to "Up and Coming" bloggers with less than 200 followers. Liebster is German, meaning favorite or beloved. When you receive a Liebster it is an honor and customary to pay forward the award to another five of your favorite blogs thus showcasing these blogs with all of your readers. So here are my five favorites to share with all of you! (now mind you I have many favorites but I had to narrow it down to these to share) Please take a few minutes check them out!
1. Fine Lines
2. Art On The Move
3. Bulletin Boards To Remember
4. The Drying Rack
5. Super Happy Art Class
Well, now that I am done with this blog... I guess I have to get down to loading my grades into the computer for school (over 400 of them) I usually have them done and loaded as soon as the school's portal opens, but I have been really busy at school this week with my classes and rewriting curriculum... Basically just plain old procrastinating like crazy! Happy Blogging!
Thanks so much for the shout out for my bulletin board blog. I appreciate it. Good luck on your new one!