My school district has exactly 1 1/2 days of school left as I type this post!!! All day today, everyone has been saying the same thing: "It doesn't feel like we have only a couple of days left. It feels like we are going to be back next week to do it all again as always!" We are getting out earlier than normal this year since we had no snow days. We always have at least a week of 1/2 days at the end of the year (make-up days for snow days) but we have had full days up to the end this year.
These shelves are now empty and the walls are bare. Just took the last things down today. |
The stacks of art work that were on my shelves are dwindling down to nothing since I took these pictures a few weeks ago. All the art work has been returned to the students to take home. We have been making portfolios and admiring our work for the past week!
This shelf is now completely bare except for two classes that need to get their projects back on Monday.
Both of my desks are now cleaned up and packed. I just need to hand in my plan books,grade books,keys and ID
All the smocks are folded and packed away.
The shelves are organized and things I don't want out are boxed or stored in my closet. This art room is used for a summer care program. It's a great program that is completely staffed by teachers and assistants in our district.
I still have much organizing to do at this school on Monday. Could you tell?
These boxes were loaded with M&M Mars goodies that we all received for Teacher Appreciation Week! They are super sturdy boxes. I had everyone who did not want their box to bring it in for me.I got tons!!! I am going to cover them with contact paper and use them for markers, crayons, etc... on the tables next year!
I will be posting over the summer, projects that I have saved to blog, projects I am personally working on and lessons I am contemplating for next year. I organized all of the special subject teachers into a PLC group next year to work on assessment, so I will most likely be blogging about my research on it over the summer seeking input from all of you! Until my next post in the next week or so...
What does PLC stand for? I'm trying to guess - professional learning cohort perhaps?
ReplyDeleteProfessional learning community. Although over the past two years(since we started doing them) we have come up with some other interesting names for them! They dissolved our curriculum council ( it was a paid committee .I was a lead teacher for Visual and performing Arts . I would attend a 2 hr. meeting each month and bring info back to my group of teachers) a couple of years ago during budget cuts and adopted PLC's. I worked with 2nd grade teachers the first year and 1st grade this past year( incorporating art into the goal that they were working on) Now that I have a handle on what a PLC is about I organized all our special subjects together to work as a team. We have art, music, phys ed/health, spanish and library joining together. We have a new evaluation system coming in next year and since our subjects are not state tested we will have to show how we assess as part of our yearly evaluation.